Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Detroit Mission Trip

Would appreciate a few prayers as I head off to Detroit to head up a mission trip for some college and young adults. We'll be partnering with City Mission; connecting with families in the Brightmoor community, playing games and teaching bible lessons to the children, and helping build a Kaboom playground. Looking forward to learning a lot and seeing God at work!

Friday, June 18, 2010


"I was increasingly aware of Father's unbelievably forgiving attitude toward the soldiers. He faithfully continued our times of family prayer and never failed to pray for those who had made themselves our enemies. Night after night I would lean my head against Mother, fingering the fish and doves on her necklace, and hear Father pray: 'Forgive them, O God. Heal their pain. Remove their bitterness. Let us show them Your peace.'"
- Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour
If only we all had such humble and god-fearing fathers who taught us to respond to hostile aggression in this way. If only we all prayed in this way, what a difference in the world we would make.

Please pray with me that God would enable us all to show the world His peace.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I was just thinking about the how different the wilderness in Israel is compared to anything I have experienced. I have included a picture to give an idea of what it is like. Imagine wandering for 40 years in a place like this!

What is the most remote place you have ever been and what was your experience like?

Picture via Zola Levitt Ministries

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hunting and Gathering

Even though I have several weeks before I leave I have begun the process of hunting down and gathering together the things I will need for my journey. Apparently the weather will be rather hot in Israel in July (who would have thought, right?) so the hunt for linen and other light material clothing is underway. While traveling is an exciting part of the journey, the thought of spending 18 hours on a plane in a tiny seat is less than inspiring...

I would love some suggestions from any experienced travelers out there!

Thank you so much for your prayers; please be praying for me that the financial support I need will come continue to come in.

picture via

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Six Week Count Down

In just six short weeks I will be arriving in Tel Aviv for my five week journey through Israel. While I am extremely excited for this opportunity, current events bring into sharp relief the dangers that exist. It is humbling to imagine visiting a place with such a rich and dynamic history. To be involved in bringing hope to a region with such a long history of conflict seems naive, however I cannot help but to believe that change can happen. I know that my effort alone is insignificant, but I believe that through obedience and faith -even in the face of opposition - anything can happen. Edmund Burke indicated in his writings that all that is necessary for the triumph for evil is that good men do nothing. I guess I just don't want to be one who does nothing. One who ignores the troubles of this world. One who remains idle while there are those who are suffering. I pray for God's wisdom and grace as these things are obviously well beyond me. Hopefully, through this experience my eyes will be opened in new ways to how to care for people in this world.