Friday, June 18, 2010


"I was increasingly aware of Father's unbelievably forgiving attitude toward the soldiers. He faithfully continued our times of family prayer and never failed to pray for those who had made themselves our enemies. Night after night I would lean my head against Mother, fingering the fish and doves on her necklace, and hear Father pray: 'Forgive them, O God. Heal their pain. Remove their bitterness. Let us show them Your peace.'"
- Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour
If only we all had such humble and god-fearing fathers who taught us to respond to hostile aggression in this way. If only we all prayed in this way, what a difference in the world we would make.

Please pray with me that God would enable us all to show the world His peace.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good example to have before us, especially on Father's Day. Thanks for sharing.
