Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day off (7/24)

Today was quite relaxing despite our early morning. We had to check out of our hotel by 8:00am and carry our bags the equivalent of roughly 1 and 1/2 blocks to the ICB (International Center of Bethlehem) where we are staying in their guest house. The narrow streets were already crowded with the Saturday market traffic, but we made it just fine. WE then had breakfast (a lazy one with lots of conversation). A friend we have made in the market took us to an Olive wood carving factory. It was neat to see where the things were/are carved. After lunch I spent sometime corresponding with friends and family through email.
Dinner was a pleasant surprise - hamburgers and fries! I am sad to admit how happy I was to see them and at how quickly I devoured them as well. For dessert we ate a watermelon we had purchased at the market and the rest of Aaron's (one of our team members) chocolate mousse birthday cake. Cake was delicious, again. The watermelon had a slightly different taste than in the US; sweet, but not sugary.

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