Sunday, August 15, 2010

(8/15) Diffiicult Day in the West Bank

Today was a difficult day to say the least. Today I witnessed occupation up close and personal; seeing families enclosed and caged by metal fencing with razor wire, having cement walls built within meters of their home - tearing through what use to be their backyard, their grand children's playground, their grove of 2000 year old olive trees. Hope is as thin as the razors wrapped around their homes and wavers like a leaf in a faint breeze.

I do not have the words to describe all that I saw and hope that my pictures will scream where my soul has lost its voice from strain and grief.

While I am grieved at what I faced today, a hope not from me continues to bubble up from within. This issue is larger than one can presume to fathom, larger than what anyone person could tackle. For now I simply ask God to give me one task, one thing that I can do out of obedience to Him that will bring glory to Him in this place and show His love to the people here.

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